Filtering by: Advanced Trager Training

Level 5: The Heart of the Matter
to Jan 28

Level 5: The Heart of the Matter


Level 5: The Heart of the Matter

January 25-28, 2024. Thursday 10 am till Sunday 3 pm

Location: Kientalerhof, Switzerland

Instructor: Roger Tolle

Language: German and English

Contact: Gabriela Scholl,

This class will focus specifically on the body’s core and how to access it from the limbs, chest and back to free up breath, posture, and emotional expression. We will tune into the whole person, finding our most effective ways of facilitating change through careful attention to psycho-physical attitudes, to restrictions in movement, breath, and voice patterning, and to relative stability and mobility in the myofascial web of support. We’ll cultivate deeper listening in our touch to engage seamlessly with the client’s breathing cycle. We’ll soften our therapeutic presence with more kindness and patience, and expand our biotensegral body structure to meet weight with lightness.


In our preparation Mentastics, we’ll lean into the deep joy of acknowledging the wisdom and possibility alive in the one and precious body we live in. We’ll practice opening our hearts to the more authentic and vulnerable self we can become. And we will share all of it in simple ways our client’s can integrate in their lives.



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Spirals and Diagonals
to Nov 4

Spirals and Diagonals


Level V: Spirals and Diagonals

Location: Puerto Morelos, Mexico (on the beach near Cancun)

Training Dates: November 2-4, 2022 (Come a few days before, stay a few days after, to enjoy a beach vacation.)

Instructor: Roger Tolle,  

Language: English (French, Spanish or German translation if needed.)

Class Fee: $450 if paid by September 1, 2022, or $550 thereafter.

Contact for registration, and for housing in nearby rooms, casitas and apartments

Martina Stamand +52- 998-213-4595,,


Class Description:

Through my many years of Trager practice, and from years before as a dancer, I have explored and learned to see and feel movement in the body along spiral and diagonal pathways. Through sensing and working with various qualities of movement along these lines we can contact and help free up deep structures in the neck, back, hips, chest and belly. We also find alternate ways to reach areas otherwise unavailable in some clients due to positioning or contact restrictions. We avoid falling into seeing the body as two dimensional. This gives us more flexibility in our work.

In this workshop designed for Trager Practitioners, we'll develop our awareness and ability to feel these pathways, and the connective tissue that creates them, both in ourselves and in our clients. We'll explore Mentastics that broaden our awareness of three-dimensional movement patterns, elongation, elasticity, connection and expansion. And spend much of our time practicing simple, efficient ways of facilitating these movement possibilities in our tablework partners.


Prerequisites: Trager Practitioner, or permission from Instructor


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Mentastics with Groups
9:30 AM09:30

Mentastics with Groups

Mentastics with Groups

September 18, 2022

Seeham, Austria

Roger Tolle, Instructor

Language: Deutsch und Englisch

Contact: Gertraud Neumayr,, +49 176 39229489

Class Description:


Whether you want to lead a small group of your clients in your home studio as a way to expand your practice, or present Trager’s elegant and potent principles to large groups at professional conferences, leading Mentastics groups can become a way to practice “Movement as a Way to Agelessness" for yourself. To gain confidence and effectiveness in leading Mentastics for a wide variety of groups, you'll not only need good training, but also lots of practice. This class will get you started.


In this one-day workshop, 

  • we’ll identify principles of Milton's work

  • explore processes to support participants’ learning

  • brainstorm possible themes to focus on

  • develop strategies to help you get your intentions across


Then you’ll have the opportunity to lead a small group to get immediate and helpful feedback. By following clear feedback structures, you and your colleagues can identify both your strengths and your growing edges so you can chart your way forward. 

Prerequisites: Trager Level 2, or permission from Instructor



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